Pet Portrait Photo Guidelines

It is important that you follow our photo guidelines carefully so that we can provide you with the highest possible quality pet portrait. 

  • Take or choose a photo that is of high quality, with good even lighting. Please ensure there are no significant shadows or reflections. 
  • Make sure your pet's full face, ears, and neck are visible.
  • Ensure your pet is sitting up or standing, not laying down.
  • The best photos are taken close-up, at eye level, with your pet facing forward.  
  • Avoid using filters.
  • Please note: if your pet is wearing a collar or other accessory, it will be included in the illustration.  

    TIP: if you're struggling to get your pet's attention, try using their favourite treats or toys!

    If you're still unsure, email your image to us at and we'll let you know.


    Example Photos

    Example Photos for Pet Portrait